Some thinking of my own.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Europa Europa

First, you vandalize and loot the world. Second, you kill every individual and ethnicity that you dislike and loot his goods. Repeat first and second for about two thousand years. Finish with one last big war to round the corners and get rid of the last non-homogenous piece of garment. The result: a beautiful and wealthy continent, an example of progress and respect for human rights where 35 slow hours a week can earn a comfortable living for a single-child family, enjoying the accumulated wealth sacked from others over the centuries.
And then, standing high on top of the mountain of feces, blood, gold and mud, you can preach to the world how to behave. You'll set up international courts to judge the barbarians. And, of course, you'll shut your borders because you don't want ugly different and poor people to taint your jewel, and you'll only make side with them when they attack Jews, because this goes in line with your own ancestral traditions.
So when the mob of others turn your cities up down and stick like leech to your social security system, I can't feel sorry for you. You brought it onto yourselves and it's just going to be worst. As they say, "We are here because you were there".
Those of you that oppose them were actualy burning Jews until just 65 years ago. Those of you who steel predicate tolerance toward them will find your daughters forcibly wrapped in abayas in about 20 years. And I may or may not be, but I'll be free.