Some thinking of my own.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wrong and wrong

Gilad Shalit is an Israeli Soldier captured by Palestinian militants on June 25th, 2006. He's been held in Gaza since then and a long negotiation for his release is being carried to this date.

The debate among Israelis about the price to pay for Gilad Shalit’s release is heated and both sides are wrong from my point of view.
Gilad’s family and most of the public opinion demand that the State of Israel pay any price for his release, because it “sent the boy to war and has the duty to bring him back”.
Well, that’s incorrect because of two reasons.
First, he was not a boy when he entered that tank. He was a soldier, trained to kill, armed with an automatic weapon and inside a multi-million tank with enough artillery power to bring down a neighborhood in minutes. Soldiers are captured, killed, or captured and killed since war was invented, and that was really long ago.
Second, what do they mean by “any price” ? Giving up Yaffo? The Golan? The Galil? Jerusalem? Or do they mean that IDF should enter Gaza with all its might, searching house by house in the overcrowded cities, causing on the first instance the death of tens or hundreds of soldiers, tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian boys (on they eyes of the world, all Palestinians are “innocent Palestinian boys”, even if killed with their AK47 in their hands). And then comes the second instance of that operation: At the very best, Gilad’s body will be found, but the price in economic sanctions will be so heavy that our already tumbled economy won’t be able to bare. Also, considered the support that would gain for the Palestinian cause.

Then there are the opponents. Mainly, family of victims of suicide bombers, burned alive by the attacks whose masterminds are now in jail and eligible for a prisoner exchange.
They sustain that not only it is not fair, but these people are decided to keep carrying terror attacks against Israel and their release will bring more deaths among us.
About fairness, is it relevant? Fair for who? For Gilad? For the dead ones? For me? While we discuss the theoretical correctness of the exchange, the 23 y.o. guy is rotting his best years in unthinkable conditions.
In a recent poll among Palestinians, the big majority supported suicide bombing against Israeli civilians, and an amazing percentage (20%? 30%?) where willing to commit such an attack should they have the chance. That leaves us with millions of Palestinians willing to kill Israelis, out of Israeli prisons. Add to that about 1 billions people in the world that want the same.
And the real problem to the opponents of the exchange is adding a few hundreds to those numbers. Seriously.
If we’re safe now is because our borders are tight and the millions who want to kill us are on the other side. The released terrorist would be sent to that other side, and any further attempt to hurt us should overcome the same barriers as the rest. After their welcome party they will probably find that they are back in hell and that they are not so special after all.

My opinion?
Send the terrorists back to Gaza, bring Gilad back, and in the future avoid the mistakes that brought us to this situation.


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