Some thinking of my own.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Why the Palestinians don't care about Peace

Between the good life and religious fanaticism.

Can you imagine such a cover of Time magazine?

It's unthinkable in 2010. We moved on from the intolerant times of racial and religious segregation, and such a headline would certainly hurt the feelings of Muslims all over, who would demand the respect and tolerance they deserve by burning Time Warner headquarters in NY and killing correspondents around the world.

But on the Jews you can always take. Well, there were those few decades in which it wasn't politically correct, but they came up with a new idea: Israel. You can mob and kick and spit on it as much as you want. Really, it's fine. The pacifists will bring the sticks and pikes, the human right advocates will set up a mock trial, and in the end they will all lynch the Zionist in the name of peace.

This way you can take on the Jews without saying the J word. If they accuse you of antisemitism, you point out that you even have a Jewish friend. Moreover, it's often Jews themselves who write those articles.

And why is that?

I think it's natural.

Imagine you are born a good man, never hurt a fly, mind your own business. Now the whole world jump on you and demand from you an explanation for the barbaric treatment of a people that neither you nor your questioners know. You're left out of social groups, your career is hit, people just don't like you.

But unlike Germany in 1933, there's an easy way out. All you have to say is “I'm Jewish but anti-Zionist”. And all of a sudden everybody loves you. If you're a journalist your columns get published. If you're in the movie business cash rains on you, no matter the quality of your script. And let's be honest: a ripped out doll's head is very photogenic on the rubles of Gaza. Everybody will assume without questioning that sadistic Israeli soldiers killed children and tore their heads apart, being the doll a poetic allegory.

It really pays to be an anti-Zionist Jew.

So what do we do with Time? The things we expect from Al-Jazeera are more painful to hear coming from the American media. From the city were the twin towers fell, the cultural center of Occident.

I, personally, will boycott them. Not a big loss for them, but a good win for me.

We should let these companies make their money in the Arab world, playing by the rules of journalism in Islamic dictatorships.